The Sofwave™ Simple Solution

Next Generation Facial Treatment

From the founders of the aesthetic industry, Sofwave™ Medical brings a novel approach to skin tightening using SUPERB™ Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology. Sofwave™’s breakthrough technology delivers a new standard of care to aesthetic treatments, providing safe aesthetic treatments for patients.

SMART Yet SIMPLE Skin Treatment

EXCEPTIONAL Safety Profile

HIGH Patient Satisfaction

Sofwave™is an FDA cleared, non-invasive treatment of fine lines and wrinkles using a next generation SUPERB™ Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology. In December 2022 Sofwave™ was approved by FDA for the short-term improvement of cellulite, making it another viable option for cellulite. The fractional heating effect created by Sofwave’s unique ultrasound delivery, stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which leads to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

How does Sofwave™ work?

The depth for treating wrinkles is 1.5mm in the mid-dermis. Our unique, Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam SUPERB™ technology generates heat at this exact depth in the mid-dermis. Additionally, there is an integrated cooling mechanism Sofcool ™ that protects the uppermost skin layer from burning.
The impacted treatment zones stimulate a healing response, called neo-collagenases, which increases and regenerates the collagen in the skin, leading to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

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Before and After Results

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